Florists: Decorating the Church

As the churches are small large arrangements can only be placed in one or two strategic places without disrupting the services.

Many couples have a ‘larger’ arrangement on the altar that is wide but not very deep (the registers are signed on the altar and space needed for that) this can then be taken to the reception to become the ‘top table’ decoration.

If you have pew ends (and they tend not to work very well on chairs) they must be either on plastic clips that don’t mark the wood or tied on with ribbon and bows not knots! Any sort of adhesive tape must not be used as it damages the pews.

No additional candles or lighting of any sort can be introduced in the floral arrangements or as decoration.

At St Mary’s there is space for a ‘larger’ arrangement on the south window and possibly a ‘compact’ pedestal somewhere (depending on the other arrangements – but often not). The chancel windows are not suitable for floral arrangements as they have candles on them which provide essential lighting. It is possible to place an arrangement on the chancel arch but it must be hung on the fixings provided and removed after the service.

At All Saints there is space for two ‘compact’ pedestals by the chancel arch. The window sills are only suitable for small arrangements apart from the west window which is behind everyone. It is possible to place an arrangement on the porch arch or the lychgate but they must just be hung on the fixings provided and removed after the service.

Speak to us first if you are thinking of any sort of ‘external’ decorations as we have to ensure that they are appropriate and safe.

Currently the churches are left unlocked during the day.

Removal of floral arrangements: You need to ensure that your ushers have been briefed to collect all the floral arrangements immediately after the service so that the church is left ready for the next service.

Please leave one arrangement in the church for the enjoyment of those who follow you.